Dear colleagues,
I am proud and inspired by the way our members, as well as ASBA as an Association, has been able to rise in the face of this year’s challenges: with flexibility, resilience, dedication and a strong will to ensure Alberta’s students succeeded. It is times such as these when the work we do is most critical.
It was my priority as Chief Executive Officer to provide continued opportunities for ASBA to accomplish Association business and provide innovative services to our membership. We continued to improve by transitioning our General Meetings, awards ceremonies and professional development opportunities to a fully virtual format. We additionally used the latest technology to ensure best governance practices were upheld and each event was as impactful as possible, elevating the experience and value for members.
Dr. Vivian Abboud
A significant amount of time and strategic thinking was required in order to maintain this value for members as well as continue to position ASBA as a thought-leader, all while dealing with the continued effects of a global pandemic. With the strong leadership of our Board of Directors, ASBA acted as a trusted source of information, support and advocacy for school boards across the province.
This included the development of robust resources and supports to raise the value of school boards, ASBA as the provincial association, awareness in the public about the municipal elections. Additionally, a comprehensive onboarding and training program was developed for new and returning trustees post-election.
I would like to acknowledge and offer my heartfelt thanks to our Board of Directors for their support and guidance through this last year as we worked diligently to support our members; to the team of dedicated and innovative staff and consultants at ASBA; and, to each and every member across the province for your commitment to serving Alberta’s education system.
I would also like to recognize the outstanding leadership of our President and Vice-president as they complete their final terms. While our outgoing President, Lorrie Jess, has decided to pursue a new journey, I know that she will bring her many talents and grace along with her.
As we welcome new and returning trustees following the 2021 municipal election, you have my word that our team will continue to raise the bar as we promote and serve member boards in supporting student success.
Dr. Vivian Abboud